GALLIM Artist in Residence
“A warm welcome to Lindy Fines and GREYZONE, Artist-in-Residence at GALLIM this week, furthering the thematic work of GREYZONE’s most recent live work ASSEMBLY into a new iteration for film.” - GALLIM
"ASSEMBLY is about the conscious and unconscious movement histories we carry within us and the urge to create new physical rituals. This new work will invite audiences inside a practice of physical remembering and imagining of what we need to shed, what we want to maintain, and how we can adapt in order to build a caring community. I will expand the meaning of ‘movement histories’ by creating solos with and for dance elders from various generations. With the GREYZONE dancers, creative director Justin Fines, and film director Freddy Arenas, we will work through every shot for the film, determining where and how the camera will move in order to capture portions of the piece from the dancers’ points of view." -Lindy Fines
photos by Maria Baranova